Not weak.

Double-knotted shoes. Favorite playlist on pause. Watch ready at 00.00.   This is my routine. I check each one as I walk out the door and then it begins.

Everytime I do this I spend the first few minutes wondering, why?  My knee and foot ache…scar tissue reminding me of my glory days.  Eight months of arch pain, a throbbing hamstring , & one nagging hip that screams at me relentlessly when I climb a flight of stairs.

And still I double-knot the shoes.  But why?


Because my body wants to quit, that’s why.  Because there are other ways but this is the only way to turn my weakness into strength.  Because running connects me to my soul and to my Lord and He whispers and reminds me that “when I am weak, then I am strong.” **

It’s what I do because every single time I do it I think I can’t–and then I do it anyway.  It’s what I do to surprise myself and prove that Father Time and Mother Nature and this broken-up body aren’t the bosses of me.  There’s only one Master of my soul and this temporary agony isn’t it.  Its how I prove to myself that I am not weak.

I am more than a conquerer…**

I press on….**

I am clothed in strength….**

I fix my eyes and I run my race every single time because I am a runner.  And runners don’t succumb to weak.



*This post is part of an online community. A prompt is given every Friday and we are encouraged to just free-write for 5 minutes and post it to our blogs without over-thinking or editing. If you’d like to participate, you can get more info and link-up on this site . This week’s writing prompt was, “Weak.”

**Scripture paraphrases taken from 2Corinthians 12:10, Romans 8:37, Philippians 3:12,  Proverbs 31:25 NIV.

6 thoughts on “Not weak.

  1. Great post. And great truth! May God heal your throbbing, screaming limbs and joints, and specially bless you for fighting past the pain because you know Who you can trust and where your power comes from. Glad to be your neighbor today at FMF.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh my goodness, this post is everything. I too wear running shoes as my armor and battle my body against itself. This was an inspiration to ready, and runners can…runners do because runners always will battle on.

    Liked by 1 person

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