5 Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ to Yourself

I don’t know about you, but I spent a significant amount of time in the month of February thinking of creative, fun ways to show the people I love just how much I love them. And while loving others is something we are all called to do, sometimes the best way you can love others … More 5 Ways to Say ‘I Love You’ to Yourself

Navigating New

I hate new. Well, today I do, anyway. With 12 addresses in the past 23 years, let’s just say I’ve had my fair share of new. New houses to organize, new friends to make, new streets to memorize, and new routines to learn. We moved into our newest house in June and I have a … More Navigating New

After the Storm

To the ordinary person, the tree in my front flower bed is nothing more than just a pretty piece of landscaping. But, one day last week, I discovered that it’s something so much more. For several days I noticed that every time the front door opened, a bird came shooting out of it and flew … More After the Storm

The .4%

It seems like every time I watch the news I hear people talking about “the top 1%.” Maybe it’s time we talk about the less than 1%. The .4% to be exact. Who are the .4%? The .4% are the most selfless men and women in our entire nation. Some are natural-born citizens and others … More The .4%